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Dear Awana Families,
We are glad to have your children and teens in our Awana Clubs! Awana is fun with a purpose - to reach boys and girls with the gospel of Christ and train them to serve Him. Awana is an international ministry in 134 countries and participating in Awana is a wonderful way for your child to grow deeper in their faith and knowledge of God. They will learn and memorize God's Word (and you'll memorize a lot too!). AWANA stands for Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed and is taken from 2 Timothy 2:15, which is our key verse.
To become a club member, a child must attend two weeks in a row, complete the entrance booklet, and pay the registration fee or qualify for a scholarship. After completing membership requirements, Clubbers will earn their books and uniforms.
When you make scripture memorization and application a priority for your child, you reinforce to them what you value. Children need their parents to be their primary teachers in spiritual matters, which is why we like the Awana program so much. Memorizing God’s Word and learning to apply it to their life has eternal value.
What are the AWANA Clubs?
Awana offers different clubs depending upon the age of the children. Home school children should be placed in class with children of the same age.
Cubbies – for 3- and 4-year-olds for the two years before attending kindergarten. Children must be potty-trained and turn 3 by September 1st. Classes focus on learning respect for God the Father, Jesus, and the authority of God’s Word.
Sparks – for Kindergarten through 2nd grade students. The focus is to take Clubbers through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation in three years.
T&T (Truth & Training) – engages 3rd through 5th (or 6th) grades by answering their questions about God and the Bible, guiding them through this pivotal life stage to grow in Christ's grace.
Trek – helps middle school students in 6th (or 7th) through 8th grades discover what they believe and learn to own their faith.
Journey – establishes high school students as lifelong disciples through a deep study of God's Word, mobilizing them to live with godly perspective and evident faith.

How does Awana start?
It starts promptly at 6:30pm in our game room with our pledges, key verse, and club motto.
Pledge to the American Flag
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Pledge to the Awana Flag
I pledge allegiance to the Awana flag, which stands for the Awana clubs, whose goal is to reach boys and girls with the gospel of Christ and train them to serve Him.
Key Verse (ESV)
Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.
Club Motto
My friend for Christ.

REGISTER ONLINE at or drop it off at church.
Annual enrollment registration fee
$40 per child; no refunds. Scholarships are available - see the Commander or Secretary.
Make checks payable to York Springs Foursquare; write Awana on the memo line. There will be a charge of $12 to replace a lost book for all clubs except Journey, which will cost $21.

What do children do at Awana?
The club meeting is divided up into three parts: Game Time, Handbook Time, and Council/Large Group Time.

Game Time - The clubbers have fun while learning to be a part of a team. The games are designed to allow each child to participate and encourage team spirit.
Handbook Time – Each clubber will be provided with a handbook. Except for Sparks, clubbers progress together at the same pace to complete the book. Handbooks are designed to be completed at home by clubbers and finished by the end of the club year. During Handbook Time, leaders work with small groups of Clubbers to listen to them recite the sections they have prepared and discuss the meaning of the verses they have learned.
No matter what the age of your children, they will need help with their Bible memorization. Encourage your child to work on their book during the week, so they are prepared on club nights. Cramming in the car on the way to church may produce a memorized verse for the short term, but usually won’t be retained for the long term.
SECTION COMPLETION STANDARD: A child needs to recite the required material in the handbook section to their leader. Children will be given a maximum of two “helps” or prompts per section. That means only two hints are provided to complete all the required work and verses exactly as they appear in the text. Sections may include more than one verse and the references must also be recited. (For Cubbies only, please sign your name next to each verse they say at home, especially in the Under the Apple Tree section so they get credit for it).

All Cubbies, Sparks, and T&T clubbers who progress in their handbooks will receive awards to be displayed on their uniforms. For these clubs, completing the weekly section of their handbooks (which for most children requires about 5-10 minutes of study each day during the week) is enough to complete the handbook during the year. For Trek and Journey, see additional requirements listed under Club Awards and Awards Night.

Large Group Time – In Large Group Time, clubbers come together to learn a Bible lesson or hear from a guest speaker. In our Awana club, clubbers hear the gospel message every week in large group, as well as ways to apply truths of Scripture to daily life and gain tools for Biblical living.

Club Standards
We ask that you do NOT bring Clubbers who have active colds or illness; please make sure clubbers are free of fever, vomiting, and diarrhea for 24 hours prior to coming.
We expect them to obey their leaders, stay with their group, and not wander around the church building unsupervised.
Like all Awana Clubs, we observe the “5-Count” and the “3-Count” Awana Discipline Rules. (See Club Discipline Rules on the next page). If a leader needs a group of children to quiet down for a lesson or instruction, the leader will raise his/her hand and begin to count to five. Children are to immediately come to order. Children not in compliance with the 5-count will receive a warning, with the first one counting towards the 3-Count.

Clubbers should:
1. Be on time.
T&T Bible verse recitation begins at 6:15pm near the game room. For everyone else, please arrive at 6:15pm so we can start club promptly at 6:30pm in the game room.

2. Be in Uniform.
Clubbers should wear their Awana club uniform (vest or shirt) and sneakers.

3. Be Prepared.
Clubbers should spend time completing handbook sections at home and should bring
a Bible and be ready to recite the verses in each section to have their work signed off.

4. Be Respectful.
Clubbers are expected to listen to leaders and to follow directions.
There should be no handholding or public display of affection.

Discipline begins with the opening ceremony and is part of every aspect of the club. There are three types of discipline as it pertains to Awana Clubs.
The Five-Count should be used at any time during the club meeting when clubbers are getting out of control or when we need to refocus their attention. The person in charge begins to count to five slowly and loudly enough to be heard. Clubbers should stop talking and direct their attention to the person counting. If the clubbers are at Game Time, they should line up on their color line, in order. The goal is for everyone to be quiet before the five-count is finished. The best way to ensure clubbers do this is if leaders set the example. That means they too should stop talking and direct their attention to the person in charge.
The Three-Count is an individual punishment and should be used when a clubber deliberately misbehaves or distracts other clubbers. A clubber receives a warning, or “one”, from a club leader when they misbehave. If the clubber misbehaves again during the same club meeting the leader will give them a “two.” IF the clubber misbehaves a third time, or if a single behavior involves bodily harm to another child or an adult, the child will receive “Strike #1,” be removed from class and brought to the commander. After the Commander talks with the child and the child is warned what will happen next time, he/she MAY be sent back to class. Our goal is to respond with grace and love. The purpose of discipline should always be to help the clubber improve. At the end of the evening, the Commander will talk with the child’s parent and inform them of the behavior and that their child now has "Strike #1.”
“Strike #2” occurs when the child’s behavior happens again on the same night or repeats on a different night. The child will be removed from class to sit at the check-in table with the Commander or Secretary for the remainder of the evening. At the same time, the child’s parents will be phoned and informed of the repeated behavior and the consequences.
“Strike #3” occurs if the behavior continues after “Strike #2.” At that point, a parent will be asked to come to club every week and stay with the child until the behavior has resolved.

Safety Policy
1. All clubs (Preschool-12th grade) will start the evening in our game room. The doors will be closed promptly at 6:30pm to start the opening. All children coming after the doors are closed will remain in the hallway with a leader until the opening has ended. This is to instill promptness to club and no interruptions during the flag ceremony/opening.
2. All children must picked up by an adult – starting with 3-year-olds through T&T. No junior or senior high students are allowed to pick up younger siblings of any age unless a permission slip is filled out. Please keep your children with you once you have picked them up, so they are not in the parking lot unattended. It is dark much of the Awana year, and children may be in danger where cars are backing up and leaving.
3. Cubbies (ages 3-5 as of Sept. 1) should be picked-up at their classroom.
When the closing prayer is finished and clubbers are dismissed for the evening, they will be staying in their seats until a parent/caregiver picks them up from that seat. There will be leaders at the doors in the sanctuary making sure all children are accounted for and do not leave without a parent. Junior or senior high siblings are not allowed to pick up younger siblings of any age unless a permission slip is filled out.
5. Trek and Journey: We trust that good behavior and wise choices will be made by all Junior and Senior high students. A little before 8:00pm, they will be dismissed from their classes to the main lobby of the church and are expected to responsibly find their parents/caregivers. There should be no handholding or public display of affection.

6. All Awana leaders have been cleared to work with your child. For safety reasons, if it is necessary to stay with your child during club, please obtain a Visitor badge at check-in.

7. We encourage your child to bring friends to Awana. In fact, this is a requirement in some clubs to pass one of the sections in their handbook. If your child brings a friend with them, the friend must stop at the check-in table and get a Visitor badge. Visitors may attend for 2 weeks before joining and paying the registration fee on the 3rd visit.

Weather Cancellations
If we are going to cancel Awana, we will send a text or email. Please be sure to include your current e-mail address and cell number when registering your child.

Club Awards and Awards Night
All Clubbers present at Awards Night will be recognized and will receive a certificate. All Cubbies, Sparks, and T&T clubbers who complete all the required sections of their handbook by the last night of club will earn an award at the Awards Night at the end of the club year. Trek and Journey have additional requirements (see the next page) and are honored for their hard work and dedication as they participate and complete the requirements each year.

Please notify us if your child has participated in an Awana club elsewhere and has received awards. We may require documentation to order the correct award for your child. Please make us aware of this early in the year. We do not want your child to be disappointed at the end of year ceremony when your child receives the wrong award because we did not know about their previous awards.

Please help to pace your children during the club year to avoid massive memorization efforts in March and April. The goal is to encourage our children to learn God’s Word and to get it as deep in them as possible! It is not about checking a box or receiving an award. Encourage your children to develop good habits of spending time in God’s Word. It will come back to bless them in the years to come!

Trek and Journey students must also complete the following requirements in addition to their handbooks:
Trek (2-3 years):
• Trek Check (Entrance booklet to be completed once when student starts Trek program)
• Trek 1: His Story Bible Study, Days 1-6, Bring a Friend, Bible Reading, Bible Summaries
• Trek 2: His Love Bible Study, Days 1-6, Bring a Friend, Bible Reading, Bible Summaries
• Trek 3: His People Bible Study, Days 1-6, Bring a Friend, Bible Reading, Bible Summaries
Journey (4 years):
• Faith Foundation (Entrance booklet to be completed once when student starts Journey)
• Disciples Bible Study, Complete Days 1-6, Bible Reading and Bible Summaries, Share their faith, Attend Christian training seminar, Participate in long-term service project.
• Advocates Bible Study, Complete Days 1-6, Bible summaries, Share their faith, Attend Christian training seminar, Participate in long-term service project.
• Witnesses Bible Study, Complete Days 1-6, Bible summaries, Share their faith, Attend Christian training seminar, Participate in long-term service project.
• Leaders Bible Study, Complete Days 1-6, Bible summaries, Share their faith, Attend Christian training seminar, Participate in long-term service project.
Requirement Descriptions:
• Bible Summaries (Trek and Journey) - see handbooks and handouts - includes Bible reading, summarizing books of the Bible, reciting key verses for each
• Bring a friend (Trek only) - Bring at least one visitor to Trek, Journey, youth group, Sunday school, a church service, or special youth activity sponsored by your church.
• Share their faith (Journey only) - Students need to have one spiritually significant conversation with a nonbeliever.
• Participate in a long-term service project through their local church. (Journey only) -Faithfully spend at least three months in an area of service. Suggested service areas:
-Serving as an assistant teacher or worker in Sunday school or children’s church.
-Participating as a regular member of a youth or adult choir or worship team.
-Assisting in the leadership of their youth group.
-Working in a puppet ministry.
-Participating in their church services on a regular basis—greeter, special music,
ushering, technical support, etc.
Their church offers many areas of serving. Work with your Journey leader, youth pastor or senior pastor to see where you can best serve God in your church.
• Attend a Christian training seminar (Journey only) - This could be an Awana Ministry Conference, Sunday school conference, youth seminar, or other class offered by your church. Contact your youth pastor, senior pastor, or Journey leader for a recommendation.
Major Awards and Citation Requirements
Throughout Scripture, awards are given in recognition of special achievement or obedience. Awana values the commitment students have for growing in their faith. These are the major awards students may receive in T&T, Trek, and Journey. (Completion of handbooks in Cubbies and Sparks do not count towards these major awards).
• Timothy Award = 4 years of work (either 4 years of T&T or 3 years T&T + 1 year of Trek)
• Meritorious Award = 6 years of work in T&T, Trek, or Journey completed
• Citation Award = 10 years of work in T&T, Trek, and Journey completed
AWANA Calendar 2024-25

August 29 - Leaders Kick-off Meeting at 6:30pm

September 5 - Kick-off night
12 - Regular Club Night
19 - Parents Night/ Crazy Socks Night/ Bring a Friend Night
26 - Regular Club Night

October 3 - Regular Club Night
10 - Regular Club Night
17 - Favorite Sports Night/ Bring a Friend Night
24 - Regular Club Night
31 - Regular Club Night

November 7 - Bring Shoeboxes for Samaritan’s Purse
14 - Bring Shoeboxes for Samaritan’s Purse
21 - Favorite Hat Night/ Bring a Friend Night
28 - No Club - Happy Thanksgiving

December 5 - Regular Club Night
12 - Regular Club Night
19 - Jesus’ Birthday Celebration/ Red & Green Night/ Awana Store
26 - No Club - Christmas Break

January 2 - Regular Club Night
9 - Regular Club Night
16 - Crazy Hair Night/ Bring a Friend Night
23 - Regular Club Night
30 - Regular Club Night

February 6 - Missions Night
13 - Regular Club Night
20 - Sharp Dressed Night/ Bring a Friend Night
Sat. 22 - Grand Prix Car Building 9-11am
27 - Regular Club Night

March 6 - Regular Club Night
Sat. 8 - Grand Prix Race for Families 9am weigh-ins start
13 - Regular Club Night
20 - Backwards Outfit Night/ Bring a Friend Night
Sat. 22?- Quizzing and Super Saturday at Genesis York
27 - Regular Club Night

April 3 - Regular Club Night
10 - Dress as Twins Night / Awana Store Mon. 14 - Leader Appreciation Dinner
17 - No Club - Resurrection Day Break
24 - Awards Night for Families and Clubbers

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